Survey Shows That Chinese Investors are the Most Optimistic
According to a recent BlackRock”Global Investor Intentions Survey2017, mainland China's investors remain one of the most confident and optimistic investors in the world, with 80% of mainland respondents taking a positive attitude towards future financial situation, a ratio far more higher than Asia Pacific, North America and Europe. 83% mainland respondents said they would consider increasing their investment. In the view of market participants, only investors who are optimistic about the future can create an easy-to-implement industrial strategy and an investment future that people are willing to believe. Only when local investors are willing to pay for the investment and local entrepreneurs are willing to pay for their capital can local economy reap fruits in the tide of globalization. People in the Taiwan industry say that this is obvious from the economy of Japan and Taiwan which has been dull for many years. It is because of uncertainty and pessimismabout the future that no matter what national strategy or investment prospect a government will bring forward, it will be difficult to push Taiwan and Japan's economy which are like stagnant water.This is a vivid portrayal of "the world is as how you feel",but it cannot be overlooked when deciding on investment orientation.The 2017 world's 100 rich list of science and technologyreleased by Forbes shows that the technology tycoon in mainland China has a high proportion of the total 1/4, it is noteworthy that unlike Taiwan, the mainland's technology tycoons is not a technology madman, but a group approved in the commercial Model and service applications to grab the forefront of science and technology upstart.